EMPRESS Goal 1: More closely coordinate the Home Energy Rating System (HERS) and Home Energy Score, so that ratings and performance data are comparable and translatable.

The EMPRESS team is working with the Department of Energy (DOE), NREL, and a number of software providers for Home Energy Score and HERS to enable both systems to use Energy Plus as the energy modeling engine. Additionally, DOE has begun planning to transition the Weatherization Assistance Program tool, NEAT, to Energy Plus as well. 

NASEO has convened several webinars with NREL and the software providers to create an opportunity for discussion and collaboration to develop the technical solutions to allow this harmonization. 

A recording of the fourth working group call can be found here and slides from the presentation can be found here

NASEO will begin bi-weekly calls for this working group in May 2018. If you would like to participate in the working group, please contact Ed Carley at ecarley@naseo.org