Rhode Island Announced “The Erika Niedowski Memorial Electric Bicycle Rebate Program”

Source: NASEO

On October 19, 2022, Rhode Island announced the Erika Niedowski Memorial Electric Bicycle Rebate Program. This electric bike rebate program is going to be administered by the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources, and it is an extension of the DRIVE EV rebate program. The e-bike program officially launched on October 24, 2022 and will be available to Rhode Island residents only. Eligible electric bikes include electrical assisted bicycles equipped with a motor, a battery, and functional pedals.

The program is funded through an existing charge on electric bills. $150,000 of the total program funds ($250,000) will be reserved for low-and-moderate income individuals. To meet the income-qualified requirements, applicants must be enrolled in a State or Federal income-qualified program, or applicants can submit a Self-Attestation Form of Income if they meet the 2023 Household Low-Income Guidelines. 

The electric bike rebate program is a part of a larger state initiative to cut carbon and reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. According to Governor Mckee, “This is an all-out effort to make sure that we’re doing what we should be doing to meet the goals we set on carbon emissions.”

For more information on Rhode Island’s electric bike rebate program please visit: https://drive.ri.gov/.