Vision Statement

The Financing Committee will enable State Energy Officials to develop, oversee, and implement programs that leverage public and private capital to help support and achieve state energy goals.

Committee Description

The Financing Committee facilitates state collaboration and peer learning on key energy efficiency and renewable energy financing mechanisms and tools at the state and local levels, such as Energy Savings Performance Contracting (and related mechanisms), State Energy Revolving Loan Funds, loan loss reserves and other credit enhancement mechanisms, on-bill financing/repayment programs, Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) programs, and Green Banks.  The committee identifies market barriers, engages private sector and program partners, and shares solutions toward effective financing programs operated or managed by the State Energy Offices and their public and private partners.


John-Michael Cross


Kristofor Anderson


Luis Aguirre-Torres

New York

Eddy Trevino


Sam Cramer

NASEO Contact