Pilot Considerations for Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings in Hawaii (March 2022) - This brief supports the research, design, and creation of GEB pilots; provides state policymakers, regulatory staff, utilities, and others with information to support GEB pilot design, including a summary of the potential value of GEBs, technology requirements and communication protocols, and cost-effectiveness considerations.
Pilot Considerations for Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings in Washington (November 2021) and August 10, 2021 webinar/meeting Considerations and Approaches for Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings (GEB) Pilots (Introductory slides, main presentation, recording.)
Update on State Technical Assistance Resources and Projects, June 25, 2021, 3:00-4:00pm ET (slides and recording)
National Lab GEB Technical Assistance, January 11, 2021 (recording, includes GEB Roadmap discussion).
Demand flexibility valuation TA, webinars June 17, 2020 (recording) and June 30, 2020 (recording)
GEB/demand flexibility potential TA, July 17, 2020 presentation and December 7, 2020 Public Buildings and GEB Potential Cohorts joint meeting presentations and recording.
Public buildings GEB/demand flexibility TA, August 3, 2020 Pubic Buildings Cohort presentations and December 7, 2020 Public Buildings and GEB Potential Cohorts joint meeting presentations and recording.
- Colorado Microgrid Roadmap (2025) defines and evaluates different types of microgrids, develops criteria to identify priority projects, and recommends key policies to facilitate microgrid deployment in Colorado. It also includes strategies for addressing costs, interconnection standards, and legal considerations, which are among the main challenges for microgrid implementation in the state. The Roadmap includes discussion and examples of microgrids providing resilience, demand flexibility and VPP services.
Maine Governor’s Energy Office (GEO) Distribution System Operator (DSO) Feasibility Study – GEO is leading a study to determine whether a DSO could be established in Maine to achieve cost savings for customers, improved system reliability, and accelerated achievement of the State’s climate goals. A DSO approach is posited as a way to increase deployment of DERs at the grid-edge, both behind-the-meter and front-of-the-meter. [Energy Changemakers article here.]
Ann Arbor’s Sustainable Energy Utility (SEU) - The SEU will be an opt-in, supplemental, community-owned energy utility that provides 100% renewable energy from local solar and battery storage systems installed at participating homes and businesses in the city.
The CalFlexHub Symposium 2024 was held on September 24, 2024, featuring updates on CalFlexHub’s portfolio of projects, information on the latest policies, research, and developments in load flexibility as well as presentations from leaders in the space and keynotes from the California Energy Commission and U.S. Department of Energy. Slides and recordings are available here.
The California Energy Commission announces a $21 million funding opportunity, called VPP-FLEX, to demonstrate community-based virtual power plant (VPP) approaches and demonstrate innovative energy management systems (EMS) in commercial buildings with the goal of increasing demand flexibility. March 28 pre-application workshop recording posted here. The submission deadline is July 1, 2024, 11:59 pm PT. Click here for more information on the workshop and here for the solicitation.
Illinois Commerce Commission: Investigation Into The Value Of, And Compensation For, Distributed Energy Resources (illinois.gov) - Workshop Series 1 presentations and recordings, Workshop Series 2 upcoming.
Connecticut Innovative Energy Solutions (IES) Program: On December 13, 2023 PURA announced selection of seven Cycle 1 projects focused on demand flexibility. The application period for Cycle 2 Empowering Electrification in Connecticut opened on January 1. 2024. See the IES online portal for more information and direct questions to info@ct-ies.com.
CalFlexHub Symposium - November 3, 2023 hybrid event advancing load flexible technologies for the state of California. Moving from static to dynamic energy management for all (recordings and slides).
On October 18, 2023, the California Energy Commission adopted Flexible Demand Appliance Standards for pool controls. The new standards, which take effect in September 2025, and also include cybersecurity standards, require that pool controls default to operating pool equipment when both electricity prices and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are low. Pool controls are the first of many devices expected to be upgraded through the CEC’s new authority to adopt flexible demand appliance standards, complementing standards for appliance efficiency, building energy efficiency, and load management.
NYSERDA announces $18M NextGen Buildings Innovation Challenge for projects that offer advanced building technologies for clean HVAC systems, building envelopes, and controls, including a new challenge area to advance intelligent building control solutions -- development and commercialization of technologies that manage energy assets and electrical loads that will further enable decarbonization and electrification. Informational webinar August 15 2023, 1:00pm ET and proposal submission workshop August 22, 2023, 1:00pm ET. The application deadline is September 27, 2023, 3:00pm ET.
California Energy Commission, Workshop on Virtual Power Plants and Demand Flexibility: Identifying R&D Needs - July 18, 2023: CEC hosted a staff workshop to identify research needs to advance the use of VPP approaches for increased demand flexibility. The workshop focused on community-owned VPP models and included a panel session with presentations from industry representatives such as load-serving entities and their technology service providers. Input received will be used to inform the development of future solicitations related to the Electric Program Investment Charge 2021-2025 Investment Plan (EPIC 4 Investment Plan). Presentation and recording are available at the event page.
California Load Flexibility Research and Development Hub (CalFlexHub) is the innovation hub supporting the scaled adoption of affordable, equitable, and reliable load flexible technologies. CalFlexHub seeks to advance the capability of smart building technologies to provide flexible energy load for the State of California and beyond. Symposium, December 6 & 7, recordings available.
California PUC Order Instituting Rulemaking to Advance Demand Flexibility Through Electric Rates (July 14, 2022) - news release, order - and Advanced Strategies for Demand Flexibility Management and Customer DER Compensation workshops page with links to white paper and proposal (and slides), comments, and other materials.
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Demand Response Emerging Technology (DRET) Battery Study investigates the ability to utilize residential PV systems paired with Tesla Powerwall batteries to support electric grid reliability in times of high electricity demand by creating a virtual power plants (VPP). (April 2022)
The California Energy Commission draft 2021 Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR) is available. Volume 1, Chapter 2 has a sectoin specifically on Demand Flexibility but much of the volume will likely be of interest. Also, workshop on GEB and Load Management, October 5, 2021; presentations and recordings available: Session 1 (morning) and Session 2 (afternoon).
California Energy Commission Publications - various pertinent to demand flexibility, e.g.:
Olinsky-Paul, T., "Energy Storage Best Practices from New England: Ten Lessons From Six States," Clean Energy Group (August 2021)
Olinsky-Paul, T., "ConnectedSolutions: A New State Funding Mechanism to Make Battery Storage Accessible to All," Clean Energy Group (February 2021)
Simpkins, A., et al., "ConnectedSolutions: The New Economics of Solar+Storage for Affordable Housing in Massachusetts," Clean Energy Group (February 2021)
Gerke, B.F., et al., "The California Demand Response Potential Study, Phase 3: Final Report on the Shift Resource through 2030," Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (July 2020)
Washington UTC Demand Response Potential And Target Setting Workshop (June 8, 2020) - The Potential for Load Flexibility (The Brattle Group) and Demand Response Insights for the Northwest (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP), "Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings (GEBS) Tri-Region Status Report" (January 2020)
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP)
American Council of an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE): Johnson, A., A. Fraser, and D. York (2024) Enabling Industrial Demand Flexibility: Aligning Industrial Consumer and Grid Benefits calls on industry, utilities, and states to prepare for increasing loads by investing in strategies and technologies that enable demand flexibility, the ability of industrial facilities to adjust their energy consumption in response to grid conditions.
Guidehouse, Alternative Aggregated DER Participation Methods for US Grids Are Still Needed: FERC Order 2222 Is a Good First Step, but Additional Work Remains (4Q 2023) - This report discusses DER adoption and grid service potential of aggregated DER portfolios in the United States. It also outlines FERC Order 2222 goals, barriers to aggregated DER wholesale market participation, and discusses and offers recommendations on alternative grid participation methods for aggregated DERs.
ASHRAE Grid-Interactive Buildings for Decarbonization: Design and Operation Resource Guide (November 2023)
Smart Electric Power Alliance, The State of Bidirectional Charging in 2023 (September 2023)
RMI, Maggie Huang, et al., Cost-Effective Grid Interactive Efficient Buildings: Potential for the WinnCompanies Portfolio (July 2023)
The Brattle Group, Real Reliability: The Value of Virtual Power (May 2023) - This report explores the cost and ability to serve critical resource adequacy needs using virtual power plants (VPPs), portfolios of distributed energy resources (DERs) that are actively controlled to provide benefits to the power system, consumers, and the environment.
NARUC, Demand Flexibility within a Performance-Based Regulatory Framework (February 2023) presents the various components of performance-based regulation and explores how its applications can advance demand flexibility.
World Resources Institute, Smart Charging and Consumer Behavior in the United States (November 2022) -- report concerns smart charging or vehicle-grid integration (VGI) to help electric vehicles (EVs) to support rather than strain the electric grid.
Energy Systems Integration Group (ESIG) and its DER Working Group, has several relevant task forces, including:
Smart Electric Power Alliance, Accelerating Coordinated Utility Programs for Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings: Practitioners' Perspectives (July 2022) report and case studies. Webinars held July 28, August 17, and September 14, 2022 (see "past events") -- thanks to SEPA for a special extra discussion session with Working Group states after the final webinar.
Strategen, Regulatory Sandboxes: Program Design to Accelerate Innovation for an Evolving Electric Grid (May 2022) discusses and provides cases of "regulatory sandboxes" as a tool to allow space in existing utility regulatory structures for innovative pilots, including for new technologies and business models.
Energy Systems Integration Group DER Integration into Wholesale Markets and Operations [report, fact sheet, presentation, overview presentation recording] examines the changes in regulation, market rules, planning, and operating practices needed to better integrate DERs into U.S. wholesale markets and operations.
The Alliance to Save Energy-led Active Efficiency Collaborative (of which NASEO and NARUC are members) launched a new interactive tool (developed with the Brattle Group) to help decisionmakers understand and evaluate the benefits of demand flexibility. The Demand Flexibility Valuation Report allows users to specify their interest in demand flexibility and then instantaneously receive a customized report containing information relevant to the user's perspective.
Guernsey, M., et al. (Guidehouse), Incentive Mechanisms for Leveraging Demand Flexibility as a Grid Asset: An Implementation Guide for Utilities and Policymakers (executive summary and report) (May 2021)
National Energy Screening Project, National Standard Practice Manual for Benefit-Cost Analysis of Distributed Energy Resources (NSPM for DERs) - links to document, summary, presentation slides, and webinars.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, The Future of Electric Power in the U.S. (February 2021) -- includes coverage of demand flexibility, DERs, and associated technological, regulatory, and business model issues.
RMI, The Carbon Emissions Impact of Demand Flexibility (2021)
Perry, C., H. Bastian, and D. York (ACEEE), "State of the Market: Grid-interactive Efficient Building Utility Programs" (October 2019)
York, D., G. Relf, and C, Waters (ACEEE), "Integrated Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Programs" (September 2019)
Saul Rinaldi, K., E. Bunnen, and S. Rogers, "Residential Grid-interactive Efficient Building Technology and Policy: Harnessing the Power of Homes for a Clean, Affordable, Resilient Grid of the Future" (October 2019)
The Brattle Group, "The National Potential for Load Flexibility: Value and Market Potential Through 2030" (June 2019)
Goldenberg, C., M. Dyson, and H. Masters, "Demand Flexibility: The Key to Enabling a Low-Cost-, Low-Carbon Grid," RMI (February 2018)
NASEO-NARUC Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings Working Group Webinar: Scaling Demand Flexibility with Software - January 30, 2025: This webinar featured Rajiv Shah of Octopus Energy Group discussing issues of scaling demand flexibility and VPP solutions, drawing on Octopus Energy and Kraken Technologies experiences, including management of over 200,000 devices at over 1 GW of flexible capacity in one of the world’s largest residential VPPs. The webinar covered approaches for optimizing distributed energy resource (DER) management, including technological, policy, regulatory, and customer-facing factors (such as incentive design) as well as establishment of the Mercury Consortium to advance device interoperability. Presentation slides are here.
NASEO-NARUC Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings (GEB) Working Groups Forum: RMI Virtual Power Plant (VPP) Flipbook - September 4, 2024: Mary Tobin, RMI discussed the recent RMI VPP Flipbook that highlights key design elements and lessons to help utilities and states to implement effective VPPs. The Flipbook showcases various technologies, utility participation models, compensation approaches, and third-party partnership roles. The Forum also had presentations from Yoh Kawanami from Hawaiian Electric and Amy Findlay from Eversource on their relevant utility programs and approaches. A recording is available here.
NASEO-NARUC Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings (GEB) and NASEO Industrial Working Groups Joint Forum: Industrial Demand Flexibility - June 11, 2024: This Forum focused on industrial demand flexibility and load management to save money, lower emissions, and reduce grid stresses from industrial operations. Dr. Kody Powell (Intermountain Industrial Assessment Center and University of Utah) and Dr. Blake Billings (Oak Ridge National Lab) presented Working Smarter, Not Harder: Opportunities and Challenges for Industrial Demand Response to Support the Grid and Ilia Krupenich and Akruti Gupta of the California Energy Commission (CEC) presented Industrial Energy Innovation in California highlighting industrial load flexibility opportunities and programs in California.
NASEO-NARUC Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings (GEB) and Microgrids State Working Groups Joint Webinar: Demand Flexibility and Electrified Transportation - February 1, 2024: This joint webinar of the NASEO-NARUC GEB and Microgrids State Working Groups explored opportunities for electrified transportation integrated with other distributed energy resources (DERs) to provide grid services and support resilience through demand flexibility and vehicle-to-grid (V2G)/vehicle-to-everything (V2X) functionality. Amy McGuire of Highland Electric Fleets (presentation) discussed school bus electrification, including work with Montgomery Co. (MD) on what will be the nation’s largest EV school bus fleet and its piloting of V2G applications. Jeremy Berke of the Washington State Department of Commerce (presentation) discussed the state’s Clean Energy Fund and Grid Modernization Program. Scott Gibson of the Snohomish County Public Utility District (PUD) (presentation) discussed the utility’s Arlington Microgrid V2G Demonstration Project that incorporates solar generation, battery storage, and V2G charging for the PUD’s EV fleet. (Recording pending.)
- NASEO-NARUC Virtual Workshop Series: Aggregated Distributed Energy Resources (ADER) Hot Topics webinar series under the complementary DER Integration and Compensation Initiative.
- Workshop 1: Leveraging Federal Funding for ADERs, March 26 - about federal funding opportunities for aggregated DERs, how to leverage them, and create an action plan for your jurisdiction. View Recording View Presentation
- Workshop 2: ADER Interconnection, April 4 – about policies and regulations to enable and accelerate aggregated DER interconnection. Participants will discuss actions that can support ADER interconnection, such as data sharing, process improvements, and policies that support equitable cost allocation. (Recording and presentation pending.)
- Workshop 3: Integrated Distribution System Planning for ADERs, May 1, 2024, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. ET - focus on policies and actions to support coordinated integrated distribution system planning that can enable aggregated DERs to provide grid services and meet customer needs. Register here.
NASEO-NARUC DER Integration and Compensation initiative webinars:
NASEO Annual Meeting (Portland, OR) Dynamic Loads, Virtual Power Plants, and Connected Communities session (October 18, 2023): Paul Heitmann (NJ Board of Public Utilities, presentation), Ram Narayanamurthy (U.S. DOE, presentation), Commissioner Andrew McAllister (California Energy Commission, presentation), and Aaron Berndt (Google, presentation).
NASEO-NARUC GEB Working Group Forum: (1) ASHRAE Grid-interactive Buildings for Decarbonization: Design and Operation Resource Guide and (2) GridOptimal Findings and Experience - September 20, 2023: The New Buildings Institute provided a preview of the upcoming ASHRAE GEB for Decarbonization resource guide and discussed real world findings and experience with pilot applications of the GridOptimal suite of metrics on building "grid friendliness." A link to the presentation slides can be found here.
NASEO-NARUC GEB Working Group Forum: Connected Communities - July 26, 2023: This Forum featured Cindy Regnier (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory [LBNL]) providing an overview of the U.S. DOE-supported Connected Communities initiative and LBNL's role as national coordinator (presentation) followed by Alicia Noriega (Edo Energy) discussing the Spokane (WA) Connected Communities Project (presentation) and Scott Schuetter (Slipstream) on Connecting Communities for Sustainable Solutions (Madison, WI) (presentation).
NASEO-NARUC GEB Working Group and NARUC Financial Toolkit webinar: Virtual Power Plants, June 21, 2023: This joint webinar discussed virtual power plants (VPP). Ryan Hledik (Brattle Group) provided a VPP overview as well as findings from Real Reliability: The Value of Virtual Power on costs and reliability of VPPs as resource adequacy assets. Franco Albi (Portland General Electric) and Brenda Chew (Virtual Peaker) offered utility and service provider perspectives. (Presentation slides here.)
NASEO-NARUC GEB Working Group Forum: NREL Energy Efficiency and Demand Flexibility State Potential Study and National Lab TA Update, May 17, 2023: Matt Leach (National Renewable Energy Laboratory presented an overview of state-level energy efficiency (EE) and demand flexibility (DF) potential of selected measures and building types. Study approaches, results, and planned next steps were presented along with considerations of how states and others can use such information to inform planning, policy, and regulations to enhance EE and DF and the benefits they provide. Natalie Mims Frick (Berkeley Lab) provided an update on Lab TA to the states. (Presentation slides here.)
NASEO-NARUC DER Integration and Compensation Initiative Webinar: Grid Modernization Strategies to Accelerate Deployment of DERs, April 13, 2023: Lisa Schwartz (LBNL) shared a national perspective on trends and challenges states are facing in seeking to accelerate DER deployment as part of grid modernization; Paul Heitmann (NJ Board of Public Utilities) discussed the process for developing the New Jersey Grid Modernization Study as well as study recommendations and plans for implementation. Links to slides and recording.
NASEO-NARUC GEB Working Group Forum: Demand Flexibility and Performance-Based Regulation, March 15, 2023: Elliott Nethercutt of NARUC presented slides summarizing recent research from a new publication, Demand Flexibility within a Performance-Based Regulatory Framework. The report, which includes case studies from three Working Group states—Colorado, Hawaii, and Vermont—examines demand flexibility implementation and barriers within performance-based regulatory frameworks. Grace Relf of the Hawaii PUC (slides here) and Joan White of the Vermont PUC (slides here) each presented on their states' experience with performance-based regulatory frameworks that have advanced demand flexibility and GEB implementation.
NARUC-SEPA-DOE Workshop "Demystifying Virtual Power Plants: What is a VPP? How are VPPs deployed today? What are the opportunities and challenges for regulators, utilities, and other stakeholders?" February 15, 2023. Presentations and YouTube videos: (1) Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings: Reinforcing the Grid with DERs; (2) Millions of Mini Power Plants: What Vehicle-to -Grid Technology Means for Reliability, Resilience, and Affordability on the Grid; (3) Drafting the Blueprint; (4) Implementation
NARUC-NASEO Webinar: Grid Investments and Technologies Necessary for FERC Order 2222, January 27, 2023. As part of the NARUC-NASEO Distributed Energy Resources Integration and Compensation Initiative, this webinar highlighted a new report developed by the GridWise Alliance. (slides, recording)
NASEO-NARUC GEB Working Group Forum: Cybersecurity and Demand Flexibility/GEB/DERs January 18, 2023. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory experts presented on cybersecurity aspects of demand flexibility and distributed energy resources (presentation). Among resources presented: Facility Cybersecurity resources.
NASEO-NARUC GEB Working Group Virtual Forum: Demand Flexibility and Grid/Distribution Planning, including Non-Wires Solutions/Alternatives - October 26, 2022. Natalie Mims Frick (LBNL) presented on demand flexibility and DERs in distribution system planning, including as non-wires solutions/alternatives (NWS/NWA) to traditional distribution upgrades. The presentation slides can be found here. Hanna Terwilliger (Minnesota PUC staff and GEB Working Group co-chair) discussed NWS/NWA approaches, opportunities, and challenges in Minnesota and recent activities to advance demand flexibility in the state. The presentation slides can be found here.
NASEO Annual Meeting Session, "Grid Evolution or Revolution? Accelerating Building Electrification, Demand Flexibility, and Distributed Energy Resources" (October 12, 2022): Colorado Electrification Policies and Programs (Dylan Klomhaus, Colorado Energy Office), Accelerating Adoption of DERs through Incentive and Demonstration Programs (Demetra Tzamares, Center for Sustainable Energy), Smart Neighborhoods (aka Connected Communities) (Justin Hill, Southern Company Services).
NASEO-NARUC Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings (GEB) Working Group Virtual Forum: Benefit-Cost Analyses (BCA) for GEB Programs - August 10, 2022. David Pudleiner (ICF) and Kate Strickland (Smart Electric Power Alliance) presented a case study of using the National Standard Practice Manual (NSPM) for DERs to do a BCA for a hypothetical GEB residential retrofit program that includes efficiency, demand response, and electrification measures. The presentation slides can be found here. Such programs can entail significant challenges, such as accounting for interactive effects of DERs and customer and societal impacts.
NASEO-NARUC GEB Working Group Virtual Forum: Inclusion of Demand Flexibility (DF)/GEB and Electrification in Utility Energy Efficiency Programs - July 13, 2022. Jerrylyn Huckabee, MA Department of Energy Resources (DOER) presented on “active demand management” in the state’s EE plan, including ConnectedSolutions in the Mass Save program, while Joan White of Vermont PUC staff spoke on Vermont’s work on electrification and DF in utility programs. The presentations were followed by discussion and cross-state exchange.
NASEO-NARUC GEB Working Group Forum on Including Demand Flexibility and Electrification in Building Codes and Building Performance Standards, May 11, 2022 - Presentation based on the State and Local Building Policies and Programs for Energy Efficiency and Demand Flexibility report followed by Chris Perry, Engineer, DOE Building Technologies Office, and Ellen Franconi, Senior Energy Research Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) on potential DF/DR-friendly provision inclusion in codes, stretch codes, and BPS, and on including time-differentiation in code cost-effectiveness determinations. Slide deck.
NASEO-NARUC GEB Working Group Forum on Rate Design to Support Demand Flexibility, March 9, 2022 - State exchange and presentations by Sanem Sergici (Principal, The Brattle Group) [Retail Pricing: A Low Cost Approach to Load Flexibility] and Lon Huber (VP, Rate Design and Strategic Solutions, Duke Energy) [New Realities: A Case for Innovative Customer Centric Rate Designs].
NASEO-NARUC GEB Working Group Virtual Forum on State Indicators for Advancing Energy Efficiency and Demand Flexibility in Buildings, January 6, 2022, 4:00 – 5:00 pm ET - Link to Forum presentation and full slide deck report; and visualization tool at State Indicators of Demand Flexibility and Energy Efficiency | Electricity Markets and Policy Group (lbl.gov).
NASEO-NARUC GEB Working Group Virtual Forum, December 2, 2021, 4:00 - 5:00 pm ET - Limited to state Working Group members, please contact geb@naseo.org with questions. DOE Connected Communities presentation.
Considerations and Approaches for Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings (GEB) Pilots, August 10, 2021, 4:00-5:00pm ET (Introductory slides, main presentation, recording.)
Webinar and Discussion: NASEO-NARUC Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings (GEB) Working Group - Update on State Technical Assistance Resources and Projects, June 25, 2021, 3:00-4:00pm ET (slides and recording)
NASEO Webinar: Benefit-Cost Analysis for Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings (GEBs) and Other Distributed Energy Resources (DERs)
May 4, 2021, 3:00pm-4:00pm ET presentation and recording
NASEO-NARUC Virtual Site Visit: Oracle Industries Innovation Lab - for State and Territory Energy Office members only
March 12, 2021, 2:00pm-3:30pm ET.
NASEO-NARUC GEB Working Group virtual meeting - January 11, 2021, 3:00-5:00 PM ET - Presentations: Introduction, National GEB Roadmap and National Lab GEB Technical Assistance; meeting recording.
NASEO-NARUC GEB Working Group Webinar: Portland General Electric Smart Grid Test Bed - September 9, 2020 - Kaci Radcliffe (Oregon Dept. of Energy), Timothy Treadwell (Portland General Electric); recording; presentation available on request.
NASEO-NARUC GEB Working Group Webinar: Grid-interactive Appliances - July 27, 2020 - Abigail Daken (EPA), Ashley Armstrong (A.O. Smith Corp.), Sarah Vorpahl (Washington State Dept. of Commerce)
NASEO-NARUC GEB Working Group Webinar: Emission Aspects of Demand Flexibility - June 4, 2020 - Colby Tucker (EPA), Henry Richardson (WattTime), Nancy Seidman (Regulatory Assistance Project)
NASEO-NARUC Webinar: Valuing Demand Flexibility for Electric Utility Systems - April 6, 2020 - Tom Eckman and Lisa Schwartz (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
NASEO-NARUC GEB Working Group Technical Assistance Next Steps January 23, 2020
GEB Working Group Meeting and Webinar - December 18, 2019 - Rodney Sobin (NASEO), Natalie Mims Frick (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) [2019 accomplishments, 2020 plans, National Lab technical assistance offerings discussion] - slides, recording
NASEO Webinar: Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings (GEB) – Case Examples
August 27, 2019 - Neil Cowan and Eric Maurer (Xcel Energy) and Justin Hill and Jim Leverette (Southern Company) - recording
NASEO-DOE Webinar - Action Steps for States: Moving Towards a Future with Demand Flexibility
August 13, 2019 - Lisa Schwartz (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) - recording
Better Buildings Residential Network (U.S. DOE): Connected Homes and the Grid - Flipping the Switch on the Script - July 25, 2019 - Alice Rosenberg (Consortium for Energy Efficiency), Rodney Sobin (NASEO), Kara Saul Rinaldi (AnnDyl Policy Group)
NASEO-NARUC Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings Working Group: GEB and Automated Demand Response
April 10, 2019 - Rodney Sobin (NASEO), Monica Neukomm (U.S. DOE), Mary Ann Piette (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) - slides, recording
NARUC-SEPA-DOE Workshop "Demystifying Virtual Power Plants: What is a VPP? How are VPPs deployed today? What are the opportunities and challenges for regulators, utilities, and other stakeholders?" February 15, 2023. Presentations and YouTube videos: (1) Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings: Reinforcing the Grid with DERs; (2) Millions of Mini Power Plants: What Vehicle-to -Grid Technology Means for Reliability, Resilience, and Affordability on the Grid; (3) Drafting the Blueprint; (4) Implementation
Connected Communities cohort kick-off meeting "Lessons From Past Connected Communities Projects" session (from November 2, 2022) -- (1) California Advanced Energy Communities; (2) Smart Neighborhoods (Southern Co. Alabama and Georgia) ; (3) AI-Driven Smart Community for Accelerating PV Adoption and Enhancing Grid Resilience (Basalt Vista Community, CO)
NARUC, Financial Toolbox on Electrification, addressed technology, economic, accounting, and customer considerations related to building electrification programs, including status and trends, cost-benefit considerations, and regulatory questions. Webinar May 26, 2022 recording.
Resources for the Future, Greening the Grid through Demand-Side Automation, April 4, 2022, 3:00 PM ET (recording available).
Calibrated, Validated, and Publicly Available End Use Load Profiles for the U.S. Building Stock, October 28, 2021 - Recording and slides are available here. The end use load profiles can be downloaded here. For questions about using the load profiles, please email: load.profiles@nrel.gov and other questions can go to Natalie Mims Frick nfrick@lbl.gov or Eric Wilson eric.wilson@nrel.gov.
Valuing and Incentivizing Demand Flexibility as a Grid Asset, September 22, 2021, 1:00-2:00 pm ET - Better Buildings Alliance webinar covering research to quantify the value of DF from GEBs to the utility and highlights mechanisms that utilities and policymakers can use to encourage DF. Speakers: Tom Eckman (consultant to LBNL - Determining Utility System Value of Demand Flexibility from Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings) and Margot Everett (Guidehouse - Incentive Mechanisms for Leveraging Demand Flexibility as a Grid Asset). Webinar slides and recording.
Decarbonization at a District Scale: Colorado Residential Retrofit Energy District (CoRRED), August 31, 2021, 12:00-1:00 pm ET - DOE State Energy Program webinar on the results of a DOE-funded simulation of a Denver neighborhood of grid-interactive efficient homes. (August 31 slides and recording pending; also available are the July 20 versions of the webinar slides and recording link [password for recording: CoRRED2021! ] )
NARUC webinar Virtual Power Plants in the 20s: Moving From Theory to Practice, August 12, 2021, 3:00-4:00 pm ET (recording).
Grid Integration and Electrification in Energy Codes, August 12, 2021, 1:00-2:00 pm ET, DOE Building Energy Codes Program webinar on the role of building energy codes in advancing connected buildings, how electrification will necessitate this, and GEB technologies being adopted at state and local levels. (slides; recording).